Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Monday, January 21, 2013

Luscious Lollipops!

Haven enjoying her lollipop after she finished describing it.

Last week we concluded our study of adjectives by completing our "Luscious Lollipops" activity. I gave each child a lollipop and he/she had to describe how the lollipop looked, smelled, felt, and tasted. It was delicious fun, plus we were learning at the same time! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

We had our own New Year's celebration in the classroom last week! We put on our festive hats and talked about how lots of grown-ups make resolutions at the beginning of a new year. We discussed how a resolution is just a fancy word for a goal, and that even kids should have goals, especially at school. Using our last report cards to help, I met with the children and we picked one or two goals that they wanted to accomplish for the next trimester of school. The children had lots of great ideas! For instance, some wanted to finish all of their addition combinations on xtramath, while others wanted to make sure to always turn in homework or to be able to count money more easily. We then taped the goals onto our desks so we could refer back to them over the next couple of months.

Alex and Stella are ready to write their New Year's school resolutions.

Donny's big brother, Simon, came to our classroom to read to us right before Christmas break.