Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our Sound Parade

Last Friday morning, the second grade classes headed outside and gave a "Sound Parade" for our first grade friends. The students had such a good time making all the noise they wanted to outside! As teachers, we're always talking about using inside voices, but this was an opportunity for us to tell the kids to be as loud as they wanted! :) The instruments were so creative, and the students really seemed to understand the concepts of pitch, volume, and sound vibrations. Thanks for all of the help you provided the kiddos at home!

Later in the day, we had our "Authors' Celebration" during Writer's Workshop to culminate our study of personal narratives. One of the writing mini-lessons that stuck with the kids the most was when we talked about how everyone has big "watermelon" events in their lives (i.e. going to Kings Island, having a birthday party), but as writers we want to focus on the small moments or "seed story." When I was at Kroger, I came across watermelon cookies, so I thought these would be perfect for our Authors' Celebration. The kids chose their favorite personal narrative and then enjoyed a watermelon cookie while they shared their pieces with their writing buddy.

Kennedi enjoying her watermelon cookie after sharing her personal narrative.
Watermelon Cookies

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