Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ohio Animals, Pendulums, and Waves

What a fun Friday we had! Our entire morning was devoted to science, so for the those kiddos in our class who really enjoy science, as most of them do, they were have a fantastic learning experience! Our morning started with Mrs. Van visiting us from Ohio Nature Education. She talked to the students about the various habitats found in Ohio, as well as animals that are native to our state. Mrs. Van also discussed the various behaviors animals exhibit to cope with winter, including hibernation, migration, and a variety of adaptations. The children were ecstatic when, at the end of her presentation, she brought out some of her live animals. These are animals that have been rescued from the wild and can no longer return due to injury. The children were able to see a bat, flying squirrel, opossum, and Great Horned Owl. It was a great way to end our study of Ohio habitats and animals. A special thank you to the PTO for providing the funds for Mrs. Van's visit!

Learning about Ohio habitats

Sleeping bat

Flying squirrel

Great Horned Owl

After Mrs. Van's presentation, we headed back to our classroom for another science lesson with Meredith's dad, Mr. Clay. The children got to experiment with pendulums and learned how string length affects the rate of a pendulum's movement.

Mr. Clay then did some experiments with waves. He had constructed a wave machine out of tape, bamboo sticks, and gum drops, which the children were talking about long after he left! The children learned how tension and mass affects the movement of waves.

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