Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Mrs. Hofmann's Second Grade

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Playground System (By Avery)

This week in second grade our class went outside sat down and Mrs. Hofmann had a sun, moon, and earth with a string tided around each one. Every one in the class got a turn to ether be a sun, moon, and earth. We each got a partner. Mine was Jack. He was the moon and I was the earth. I had to rotate while going in a circle. Jack had to walk around me while I was going in a circle.
By Avery


  1. I am so jealous of the fun solar system lessons you have been doing! First, Oreos and now rotations on the playground? Too cool!

    Also, I love the way you used commas when you made a list. I also really liked the way you helped me picture exactly what you and Jack did during the activity. Way to zoom in! :)


  2. That's pretty sweet Avery! Were you super dizzy after all that spinning? Did you have to tilt one way? Did you guys learn that the earth is tilted and that is why we have seasons? I will expect an answer to all of these when you get home...;)

  3. Dear Mom,
    What about the oreos? Ask me at home.

    Dear Dad,
    Yes I was dizzy after all that spinning. No we didn't have to tilt one way. Yes we did learn how the earth tilts one way. I don't have to tell you the answers because it's on the cumputer.

